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Welcome to the Melting Pot Café, a forum dedicated to the cosmeholic who wants to talk bath, body and bubbles.  Our friendly community is growing and with the ideas, inspiration and experience all in one place, how appropriate the name Melting Pot. 

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Topic: Ladies and any gentleman that might be on here  (Read 2202 times)
« on: January 29, 2008, 11:54:08 PM »

Mai Is having a soap sale, just because i'm over running with soap, and because if we are moving I need some space,

I'm offering any 3 bars of my soap for £5.00 or 5 for £7.00 plus postage,
each bar is approx 140 grams

I have on offer,
pink sugar,
kitchen soap
citrus twist
satin sheets
summer garden
lavender mint
rosemary mint
pomegranate white tea
black magic
black orchid
monkey farts
tangerine oaty
herb garden with my own special blend of essential oils
coolwater for men
Sandalwood patchouli

I also have, some specials Sarah Jessica Parker Lovely type
D&G feminine floap soap
touch of pink

sweet pea 100% coconut bars £2.00 each,

These are all cold process made from scratch,

full of lovely ingredients each bar contains aloe vera and silk,

you are really getting a bargain.
I usually sell my soaps £3.25 on my site £3.50 on ebay,

So jump in quick, as I will be advertising on etsy and ebay

« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2008, 07:12:37 PM »

3 bars now left of lovely sarah jessica parker type
4 bars of monkey farts,
2 bars of tangerine oaty
2 kitchen bars
all the rest are still up and 5-8 bars of each of the other scents,
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