Title: Dried stuff for sale Post by: corrie on December 31, 2007, 12:37:30 PM I have the following to get rid of. Only used a tiny amount of some and none of others. All good till July-Oct 2008.
Prefer not to split if poss. Meadowsweet 50g Rosehip (plant not berries) 50g Thyme 50g Chamomile flowers 50g Yarrow 50g Beetroot powder 25g £5 the lot incl postage. Title: Re: Dried stuff for sale Post by: EJ on December 31, 2007, 12:44:18 PM I'll take them Corrie (BTW what exactly do you mean by rosehip "plant not berries" please?).
Send me your details PM please. Title: Re: Dried stuff for sale Post by: corrie on December 31, 2007, 12:48:15 PM EJ its green bits of the plant rather than the actual hips themselves.
PM your address again will you? Ta Title: Re: Dried stuff for sale Post by: Helen on December 31, 2007, 12:58:15 PM lol..... That took a lot of arm twisting there :mwaha: