Title: 5Kg ECO SOY PILLAR BLEND WAX Post by: Michelle on November 09, 2009, 08:59:11 PM I have 5kg of Eco Soy pillar blend wax for making pillar candles. I have realised I dont have the skils for pilar candles and as its taking up space wnat to dispose of it. It cost me in the region of £30 6 months ago and has been stored in a cool constant temperature cupboard.
Ive alsp just hoiked out up 3 individual 500g bags of pillar blend but I cant remember wher i got them from.1.75 a bag. Or you can make me an offer for the lot I stil making container candles but using container blend with a little pillar so I keeping the other 5 kg for me lol Im looking for offers in the region of £18 plus p&p. If you live nearby you are welcome to pick it up. Ill be having a sortout of some pillar moulds soon too Title: Re: 5Kg ECO SOY PILLAR BLEND WAX Post by: kevie192 on November 09, 2009, 09:21:04 PM Won't you use the pillar blend for melts, Michelle?
Title: Re: 5Kg ECO SOY PILLAR BLEND WAX Post by: Michelle on November 09, 2009, 11:13:41 PM Ive still got another 5k Kev and to be honest I much prefer my b&b stuff I spent two hours making candles tonight and I was getting bored!!
So its up for grabs Title: Re: 5Kg ECO SOY PILLAR BLEND WAX Post by: Michelle on November 12, 2009, 11:20:12 PM Ive ben looking at prices of wax and realise I culd have got this cheaper . So any takers for £15 for the 5kg?