Title: FO's and moulds Post by: Alphya on July 01, 2012, 03:13:59 PM Moulds first! Plastic moulds - selling for less than I paid for them
Pic 1: Flower mould (on the right) £1.50 Pic 2: 2 Rectangle moulds £2 each Pic 3: Heart embed mould (the other two have been sold) £4 Title: Re: FO's and moulds Post by: Alphya on July 01, 2012, 03:14:47 PM SOLD
Title: Re: FO's and moulds Post by: Alphya on July 01, 2012, 03:17:13 PM Now FO's:
100ml Tomato Leaf £4 50ml Sugar Frosting £3 This bottle is a little battered, hence the low price 15ml Rose 50p GF FO's: 10ml Sugar Spice £1.50 10ml Over The Moon £1.50 10ml Strawberry Laces £1.50 10ml Vanilla Bean £1.50 10ml Dragonsblood BBB FO's: 8ml Mint £1 8ml Dewberry £1 Soapbubble 10ml Almond Milk £1.50 10ml sample size from SP: I am selling these as I did have to spend money to get them: 50p each 10ml Apple & Blackcurrant 10ml Grape Soda 10ml Cocobeach 10ml Candyfloss 10ml Wild Poppy 10ml Strawberry Kiwi 10ml Sandalwood 10ml Adonis 10ml Blue Lagoon Looking for very quick sales, please PM me :) Title: Re: FO's and moulds Post by: Alphya on July 01, 2012, 03:32:07 PM One more..
45ml Bubblegum £2.50 Title: Re: FO's and moulds Post by: Eva on July 01, 2012, 04:23:34 PM Can I have the flower and rose mould please (pic 5). + P&P to Sweden.
Just come to think I can use the muffin mould too. So if you have it still add that one, please. Title: Re: FO's and moulds Post by: nikkir on July 01, 2012, 05:00:36 PM Can I get the snow baby please Hun x
Title: Re: FO's and moulds Post by: soapsbylouise on July 01, 2012, 06:01:45 PM hi again, can i have the sk loaf mould to?
x Title: Re: FO's and moulds Post by: Alphya on July 01, 2012, 08:22:08 PM Eva, will PM you with total.
Nikki, Lou, no probs :) Title: Re: FO's and moulds Post by: Janie-aka-Selkie on July 01, 2012, 08:41:47 PM Can I have the~ 200ml Aurora Borealis £8 100ml Ginseng £4 100ml Amber £4 please :) (also did you post the others yet, am not sure if a few of my parcels have got lost somewhere, cos our dogs *may* have discouraged the nice postwoman from entering the property when carrying heavy objects ::) ) Title: Re: FO's and moulds Post by: Alphya on July 01, 2012, 08:43:06 PM Course you can hun, I still have your other one here, was going to get it out to you this week (too hectic last week). Naughty doggies! ;D Let me do totals and PM you xx
Title: Re: FO's and moulds Post by: Lisa on July 01, 2012, 09:05:20 PM (also did you post the others yet, am not sure if a few of my parcels have got lost somewhere, cos our dogs *may* have discouraged the nice postwoman from entering the property when carrying heavy objects )
:mwaha: the doggies just wanna play :mwaha: Title: Re: FO's and moulds Post by: The Craftbox UK on July 01, 2012, 09:30:29 PM Do you still have the 50ml Cinnamon Nutmeg & Clove, if so can I have it please :)
Hel x Title: Re: FO's and moulds Post by: Alphya on July 01, 2012, 10:50:15 PM Yep I still have it :) PM me your home address xx
Title: Re: FO's and moulds Post by: gabi_kiana on July 02, 2012, 08:38:39 PM Hi, I would like ALL the 10ml sample sizes that are 50p each, but can you tell me what you mean that they are from SP? i am new around here and don't know what you mean, thanks!!!!!!!
10ml Apple & Blackcurrant 10ml Grape Soda 10ml Cocobeach 10ml Candyfloss 10ml Wild Poppy 10ml Strawberry Kiwi 10ml Sandalwood 10ml Adonis 10ml Blue Lagoon just to be sure, they are 10ml each and unused, right? ai need them for M&P soap making, thanks! :) Title: Re: FO's and moulds Post by: Alphya on July 02, 2012, 09:09:22 PM Just going to PM you now :) check your inbox in a sec
Title: Re: FO's and moulds Post by: Eva on July 03, 2012, 11:07:29 AM @ gabi_kiana, have a look at this link: http://www.fresholi.co.uk/sparrow/info/MPC4.html (http://www.fresholi.co.uk/sparrow/info/MPC4.html)